Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Resolution... Revolution

I didn't set a resolution that most people would choose. I kind of chose a large topic and broke it down. i want to become more like a disciple of Jesus Christ,  I read a book called "walking with Jesus." its purpose is to help me see exactly what a disciple is.  there are way too many to say but for example; a disciple doesn't judge, a disciple nurtures his testimony, a disciple follows Jesus Christ. I want to walk with Jesus as my resolution. However, i call it my revolution. I always felt like that word sounds stronger and more powerful than resolution. I want to change for good. I WANT it to be a process not just a quick little change. I love the idea that i might have to struggle through my changing. I feel that it will not only mean more to me but it will help me feel the changing going on. I am excited to see how everything turns out.

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