Monday, April 25, 2011

A Deeper Love


Jesus Christ understands all that i am going through I am trying to continually pray to him and give him my burden that he may help carry my load. He helps me because He loves me. I serve him because I love him.  There are times when we might feel completely and utterly alone. But that is on the contrary to what we know.... WE ARE NEVER ALONE. Christ has been through it all, seen it all, endured it all. Christ wants me to come unto him for all I need help with, all I have gratitude for, and all I desire. I have read in the book "The Infinite Atonement" and what was there taught me of every kind of turmoil he has been through, so that I may know he will understand what I am going through. Because he did it first.

   "There is no human condition be it suffering, incapacity, inadequacy, mental deficiency, or sin which He cannot comprehend or for which His love will not reach out to the individual. This is a staggering thought when we contemplate the Mount Everest of pain required to make it so.  What weight is thrown on the scales of pain when calculating the hurt of innumerable patients in countless hospitals? Now, add to that the loneliness of the elderly who are forgotten in the rest homes of society, desperately yearning for a card, a visit, a call. Just some recognition from the outside world. Keep on adding the hurt of hungry children, the suffering caused by famine, drought, and pestilence. Pile on the heart ache of parents who tearfully plead on a daily basis for a wayward son or daughter to come back home.  Factor in the trauma of every divorce and the tragedy of death and of every abortion.  Add the remorse that comes with each child lost in the dawn of life. each spouse taken in the prime of marriage. Compound that with the misery of overflowing prisons, bulging halfway houses and institutions for the mentally disadvantaged. Multiply all this by century after century of history. creation after creation without end.  Such is but an awful GLIMPSE of the Saviors load.
Who can bear such a burden or scale such a mountain as this?  Only Jesus Christ."  

  Why did he go through this for us, because he LOVES us and wouldn't ever want to us to do anything alone.  I feel loved the most when I am in the arms of a WARM EMBRACE. I can't wait to meet my Savior face to face and be inside His warm embrace. 

         "Contemplate for a moment the magnetic pull when a little child sees her father on bended knee with arms extended. the invitation is irresistible. The reaction to return is automatic. There is no intellectual analysis.  It is like reaching for a blanket in cold weather, turning on the light in a dark room.  Some things are not mind driven but heart prompted. these are natural yearnings of the soul.  The need for warmth, light and love. Likewise our Father in Heaven is extending his arms with the intent to entice us home. How irresistible those arms are to those who seek his warmth his light and his love."

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